First, a nice addition to our Who is Online page by Thalia, making it match the theme of the site currently. Hopefully it feels like a slightly better fit with the rest of the website now.
Additionally, Gillian posed a question that a few of us have been wondering: what is the one new feature we could add that would keep you playing/bring you back? Obviously there are no right or wrong answers here - we are simply curious what you would most like to see. Ideas we have seen so far include multiplayer allowance and lower experience requirements after level 200. What would you most like to see? Sound off on our Facebook page or better yet - log into port 2222 and tell us in a note on there.
We have had similar discussions on the forums in the past such as Favorite feature from another game or MUD you wish KotL had, or Player Retention - but I think Gillian's Question helps us try to boil it down to a more manageable handful of things. Therefore, I created a topic in the forum as well:
If you could see 1 change made to the MUD...
Whether you post publicly or just shoot us imms a note, we would love to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks!
Monday, April 21, 2014
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» Who is Online - and a big question
Who is Online - and a big question
Monday, April 21, 2014
Website Update
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Who is Online - and a big questionFirst, a nice addition to our Who is Online page by Thalia, making it match the theme of the site currently. Hopefully it feels like a slightly better fit with the rest of the website now. Additionally, Gillian posed a qu… Read More
Fairly major site overhaulHello everyone. As you may have noticed if you stopped on by - we are in the process of a fairly major website overhaul! We are still working out a handful of kinks here and there, but overall it is coming along very well o… Read More