We have plenty of new updates in this latest release. Let's take a look at them.
Player Commands
+ If your character is moved to Limbo (idle out), your characterstatus is set to AFK
+ ALCHSEARCH: changed success to be based on how often you've searched recently
+ AUTOWIMPY: no longer usable by bloodsworn
(wimpy doesnt work for BS anyway, no reason they need to be able to use auto wimpy)
+ RECALL: New options
- RECALL RELIGION 100 RPEXP to recall to your temple
- RECALL HEALER 35 home town tokens to recall to your kingdoms healer
+ CUSTOMCOST: new command to show and change your option for custom cost
CUSTOMCOST - Show current options and cost structure
CUSTOMCOST OLD <confirm> - Change to old cost structure
CUSTOMCOST NEW <confirm> - Change to new cost structure
+ CUSTOM NEW <armor | weapon>: Updated to use your selected cost structure
+ CUSTOM REDEEM <object>: Updated to redeem custom item based on your current cost structure
+ Fire Arrows, & Ice Arrows no longer continue to kill someone who is already dead.
+ THROW <potion> allows throwing an attack potion
+ FLESHCARVE timer changed from min of 1 to min of 3
Mob Related
+ Create mobs: Default dam type for mobs level > 50, changed to random from all possible
+ Undead mobs: no longer generate ghosts
Legendary Messaging
+ Bunch of room messaging missing parameter for it to actually message
+ Revised some messaging
+ NOTE load: RP post length 14 > 31, Story 28 > 45
Friday, May 9, 2014
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» May 2014 code update
May 2014 code update
Friday, May 09, 2014
Code Update
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May 2014 code updateWe have plenty of new updates in this latest release. Let's take a look at them. Player Commands + If your character is moved to Limbo (idle out), your characterstatus is set to AFK + ALCHSEARCH: changed success to b… Read More