Hello everyone. As you may have noticed if you stopped on by - we are in the process of a fairly major website overhaul!
We are still working out a handful of kinks here and there, but overall it is coming along very well overall. Please let us know if you find typos, broken links or other gremlins (not Daklores - those are gnomes) rummaging about as we attempt to kick off some more stuff in the very near future - including keeping this page much more updated for you all. If you aren't following us on Facebook yet - we're making it really easy with the link to the right!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
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Website Update
» Fairly major site overhaul
Fairly major site overhaul
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Website Update
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Fairly major site overhaulHello everyone. As you may have noticed if you stopped on by - we are in the process of a fairly major website overhaul! We are still working out a handful of kinks here and there, but overall it is coming along very well o… Read More
Who is Online - and a big questionFirst, a nice addition to our Who is Online page by Thalia, making it match the theme of the site currently. Hopefully it feels like a slightly better fit with the rest of the website now. Additionally, Gillian posed a qu… Read More