Friday, December 23, 2016
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» Happy Holidays from KotL!
Happy Holidays from KotL!
Friday, December 23, 2016
We just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a happy holidays. Kingdoms of the Lost has had a lot of players come in and out over the years, especially over holidays, and it would be great to see some new and familiar faces alike if you get a chance to stop on by.
We will open up one of the festival areas and have plenty of random scatters, giveaways and bonusing taking place over the next week. That's right. Starting today and running through New Year, we'll have the holiday mods in place, the festival area in Calararian hooked up and plenty of goodies tossed about.
Take care, be safe and we hope you all have a great end of 2016!
- The KotL staff
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