We have a list of code updates from Thalia from March of 2013.
- Dias's Temple (created by Daklore!)
- Armengar & Northeast Olerax (updated by Psaro)
note: Recall and Healer for Armengar has changed
General System
+ Disconnects due to service interruptions will reclaim items & save character
+ Color Strip: strips more (all?) colors
+ Punctuation Strip: created logic to strip punctuation from a string
+ Character Creation:
- First & Last Names: limited to 15 characters with no punctuation or color commands
- Initial kingdom will be randomly selected from the available options
+ Skill learning: Max Learn for augments really set at 99 (hopefully)
+ MOVE: messed with the flies/leave/crawls/et al messaging a bit.
Character modification
+ RACEMORPH: Added info on allowed races
+ Owned Items: Partially added back the ability hold other people's owned items.
The intent is to allow application of shield flags, tinker & etch modifications,
but not allow use or abuse of the item.
A non-owner should not be able to wear, wield, socket, custom modify, redeem,
addsocket/fillsocket/emptysocket, sell, sac, claim, unclaim, gift, drop, or
get it. They also should not be able to give or deliver it to other than owner.
+ MOXSHATTER: block shattering of Opal and Zarguns; correct gem count
+ RESTRING: improved logic for plushie and egg detection
+ Alchemy
- Added items for sectors: Beach, Tundra, Cave, Air, Swim,
- Added some new affects
- Added keyword: 'alchemy' to all alchemy components
+ Enter: Entering a PORTAL to nowhere should no longer crash the game.
+ Runestones:
- Zombiebane, Ghostbane, Skeletonbane, Vampirebane
- Personal Banking: Can DEPOSIT from where ever you are
- Dispel Magic: In combat, Chance to have dispel cast against target
- Turnabout: Allows undead to use TURN against the living
- Good Packer: Increases carrying capacity by 50%
- Repel Magic: Chance to repel a spell
+ New characters (Tier 1 & less than or equal to level 10): Instead of being killed,
mortally wounded or incapacitated, will just be stunned. see HELP DEATH.
At tier1-level11 & above, normal death occurs.
+ Keep "Aggressive Attacker" from being flagged multiple times as an "Aggressive Attacker"
- Can be used against any undead; Undead with Turnabout runestone can use it
against the living.
- When used against a Vampire in Changeform can knock the vampire back to normal form
- If used by a priest character or someone in lector rank or higher will force
target to attempt to flee -- including bloodsworn
+ Arena: Combatants can no longer bet on their opponents
Skills & Spells
+ Magic spells: corrected spelling of success (In a gazillion places)
- added flag to indicate what spells are memorized;
- corrected display of mana requirements
+ Ferment of Resistance: Changed dice roll to add more variation to the resist value
within the same min/max range
+ magic based pets/charmies: should now inherit ALL the stats of their master
(instead of just the first 5 stats)
+ Mana improvement spells/affects: Should now really improve player mana
+ ID Runespell: Now indicates what class can use the runestone
- REPLENISHING: to curates
- Change Affedts: Added tracking of what chant added an affect
- Remove stacking of affects; If multiple chants give similar affects, you should
see each one separately
Information commands
+ AFFECT: includes info about the chant used to create an affect
+ HELP: Should now handle keywords with 3 or more pieces
- Charisma: Standardized text
- Zombies: Added modifications
- AUTOEXIT logic: Added (yes, it didn't exist before. if you have auto exit
turned off, you can still use the EXIT command to see exits.
+ SHOWCLASS: now usable when dead
+ UNREAD: added Facebook page
+ WARSTATUS: now includes difference between won & lost pts and the min pts needed to win the war
- GROUP: set lower limit to 1
- Modification to IMP/IMM levels/flagging
Friday, March 1, 2013
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Code Update
» March 2013 Updates
March 2013 Updates
Friday, March 01, 2013
Code Update
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